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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Andreas Bergh Dr. Alternative spellings: A. Bergh Andres Bergh B: 1973
Affiliations Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (Stockholm) Lunds universitet Lunds Universitet. Nationalekonomiska Institutionen Ratio - Näringslivets Forskningsinstitut
Publishing years Series IFN working paper (35) IFN Working Paper (19) Working paper / Department of Economics, Lund University (10) New thinking in political economy (4) CESifo working papers (2) Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi (1) ECIPE occasional paper (1) OECD Development Centre working papers (1) Elgaronline (1) Kiel working paper (1) Lund economic studies (1)