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Rostami-Tabar, Bahman Boylan, John E. Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos Syntetos, Aris A. Siemsen, Enno Fildes, Robert Ma, Shaohui Ziel, Florian Pedio, Manuela Pavia, José Manuel Panapakidis, Ioannis Panagiotelis, Anastasios Paccagnini, Alessia Önkal, Dilek Modis, Theodore Pinson, Pierre Meeran, Sheik Martinez, Andrew B. Martin, Gael M. Makridakis, Spyros G. Litsiou, Konstantia Li, Feng Leva, Sonia Pedregal, Diego J. Ramos, Patrícia Yusupova, Alisa Seaman, Brian Winkler, Robert L. Wang, Xiaoqian Trapero Arenas, Juan Ramón Todini, Ezio Thorarinsdottir, Thordis Thomakos, Dimitrios D. Tashman, Len Rapach, David E. Talagala, Thiyanga S. Talagala, Priyanga Dilini Spiliotis, Evangelos Sermpinis, Georgios Jose, Victor Richmond R. Bijak, Jakub Oliveira, Fernando Luiz Cyrino All co-authors forecasting chapter prognoseverfahren forecast models prognose time series demand retail practice introduction nachfrage count data simple learning quality einzelhandel forecasts research commentary error choice uncertainty example basics know decomposition exponential smoothing arima causal intermittent hierarchies human judgment measures competitions leading operations planning cover executives professionals want coherent hierarchical minimal mapes maes won post scrip competition best point depends accuracy measure supply chain gap future evaluating predictive distributions sales managers workflow
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Stephan Kolassa Dr. Biblio: Products & Innovation Suite Engineering Consumer Industries (PI SE CI), SAP (Switzerland) AG, Tägerwilen, Switzerland
Profession Mathematiker
Affiliations Lancaster University
Publishing years Series Supply and operations management collection (1)