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Ivanaj, Vera Alon, Ilan Ivanaj, Silvester Treviño, Len J. Arora, Anshu Arora, Amit Wu, Jun Narula, Rajneesh Spigarelli, Francesca Li, Shaomin Weinstein, Jay Papp, Daniel S. Godsey, A. Crystal Ulgado, Francis M. Bertsch, Gary Kenneth Travis, Eric Ford Cupitt, Richard T. Ketata, Ihsen Lattemann, Christoph Child, John Fetscherin, Marc Chang, Julian Jones, Victoria Bacouël-Jentjens, Sabine Xavier, Wlamir Newburry, William Kar, Rabi Narayan Zhang, Xun Yang, Jun Sepehri, Mohamad Bacouel-Jentjens, Sabine Steiner, Miriam All co-authors chapter chinese business development multinational enterprises role emerging education sustainable global social countries schwellenländer change research auslandsinvestition führungskräfteentwicklung cultural human new climate country corporate china context industry book betriebswirtschaftsstudium technologietransfer united economies industrial implications markets transitioning developing globalization economic strategic critical robotic leading policy globalisierung norms dream
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John R. McIntyre Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: John R. MacIntyre John R. Mc Intyre John McIntyre B: 1947
Profession Politologe
Affiliations Georgia Institute of Technology Dean Rusk Center
Publishing years Series New horizons in international business series (3) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (2) Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technologie : MERIT (2) International Marketing and Management Research (1) Palgrave studies of internationalization in emerging markets (1) Palgrave Studies of Internationalization in Emerging Markets (1) International journal of emerging markets (1) A Quorum book (1)