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Carlsson, Bo Acs, Zoltán J. Thulin, Per Henrekson, Magnus Audretsch, David B. Svensson, Roger Oxelheim, Lars Broström, Anders Åstebro, Thomas Eklund, Johan E. Eklund, Johan E. Eklund, Klas Braginskij, Sergej V. Andersson, Martin Ekholm, Karolina Lappi, Emma Feldman, Maryann P. Helgesson, Christian Johansson, Dan Svaleryd, Helena Greiff, Camilo von Borgman, Benny Heum, Per Desai, Sameeksha Ding, Ding Persson, Lars Olofsson, Christer McKelvey, Maureen D. Ylä-Anttila, Pekka Delmar, Frédéric Stenkula, Mikael Palmberg, Johanna Wennberg, Karl Thorburn, Karin S. Rickne, Annika Halldin, Torbjörn Andersson, Thomas Jacobsson, Ulf Kugler, Maurice Svensson, Patrik Westin, Fredrik Blind, Knut Frisén, Håkan Ganslandt, Mattias Söderström, Hans Tson Lindqvist, Tobias Anderson, Martin Hepburn, Cameron Ohlsson, Henry Lerner, Joshua Djerf, Olle Ding, Ding Ding, Ding Jovanovic, Boyan Parker, Simon C. Minniti, Maria Astebro, Thomas B. Andersson, Martin Eliasson, Gunnar All co-authors sweden schweden growth entrepreneurship innovation economic unternehmensgründung policy och firms wirtschaftswachstum auslandsinvestition swedish academic capital foreign analysis inventor industrial new countries framework market based multinational entrepreneurial direct empirical production entrepreneur wissenstransfer industrieforschung role implications results paper knowledge innovations schumpeter global relationship industry creation country kmu sme spillovers dynamics integration location data innovationsmanagement wissen policies humankapital right size award comparison
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Pontus Braunerhjelm Prof. Alternative spellings: Pontus Brodde Braunerhjelm Pontus B. Braunerhjelm P. Braunerhjelm B: 1953 Biblio: Tätig am Sns-Center for Business and Policy Studies, Stockholm Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum Kungliga tekniska högskolan Université de Genève. Institut de hautes études internationales Industriens utredningsinstitut (Stockholm)
Publishing years Series Working paper / Industriens Utredningsinstitut (5) IFN working paper (4) Papers on entrepreneurship, growth and public policy (4) Foundations and trends in entrepreneurship (3) HEC Paris research paper series (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Ekonomirådets rapport (2) Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation (2) Economics of science, technology and innovation : ESTI (2) IFN Working Paper (2) International Studies in Entrepreneurship (1) Keskusteluaiheita / Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos (1) Monitoring European integration : a CEPR annual report (1) Underlagsrapport ... till Globaliseringsrådet (1) Industry and innovation (1) Working paper / Research Institute of Industrial Economics (1) Jena economics research papers (1) European journal of law and economics (1) Jena Economic Research Paper (1) Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum Working Paper (1) Långtidsutredningen (1)