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Palacio, Andrés Thorburn, Karin S. Wennberg, Karl Stenkula, Mikael Till, Emelie Rohne Tsakok, Isabelle Axelsson, Tobias Julia, Juan P. Minniti, Maria Delmar, Frédéric Braunerhjelm, Pontus Rickne, Annika Jovanovic, Boyan Lindholm, Åsa Carlsson, Bo Andersson, Jens Andersson, Martin Haltiwanger, John C. Davila, Gonzalo Zander, Ivo Jirström, Magnus Jack, Sarah Henrekson, Magnus Coad, Alexander Von Borries, Alvaro Molinder, Jakob Miladinovic, Luka López Jerez, Montserrat Juliá, Juan Pablo Martins, Igor Smythe, Anthony Wahab, Ibrahim Lagercrantz, Hedvig Kilichova, Chekhros Klinthäll, Martin All co-authors economic wirtschaftswachstum entwicklung agricultural social research einkommensverteilung resilience capability entrepreneurship innovation regional agglomeration kmu sme level industry miracle approach recipient global award political
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Martin Andersson Dr. B: 1969 Biblio: Forschungsinteressen u.a.: Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Ernährungssicherheit, regionale Entwicklung; Regionen: Ost- und Südostasien, Lateinamerika, Subsahara-Afrika
Profession Wirtschaftshistoriker
Affiliations Lunds Universitet. Ekonomisk-Historiska Institutionen Lunds universitet
Publishing years Series Lund papers in economic history (3) Palgrave pivot (1)