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Glick, Reuven Corsetti, Giancarlo Feenstra, Robert C. Lin, Ching-Yi Wu, Jyh-lin Feng, Ling Pyun, Ju Hyun Taylor, Alan M. Jordà, Òscar Hanson, Gordon H. Tchakarov, Ivan Lin, Ching-yi Amadi, Amir A. Alfaro, Laura Kim, Kyunghun Sheffrin, Steven M. Shin, Hyung-cheol Corden, Max Isard, Peter Shin, Hyung-Cheol Choi, Woo Jin Redding, Stephen Von Furstenberg, George M. Pyun, Ju Hyun Ghironi, Fabio Choi, Woo Jin Lin, Ching Yi Moersch, Mathias All co-authors exchange model trade rate policy paper international shocks entry account effects firm firms new costs geldpolitik current endogenous long country real shock schock macroeconomic response stabilization optimal financial rates preiskonvergenz capital tariff prices countries currency goods estimation schätzung tradability run data kaufkraftparität comparative advantage staggered structure production term competitive union dynamics margin explain implications economic währungsunion puzzle market literature coordination extensive evidence while wechselkurspolitik preisniveau setting portfolio economy empirical relative fixed trading recent leistungsbilanz integration diversification dynamic pricing intertemporal
Composed terms monetary policy real exchange price convergence internationale wirtschaft international economy purchasing power parity zwei länder modell two country model exchange rates neoklassische synthese neoclassical synthesis optimal monetary monetary union long run monopolistic competition monopolistischer wettbewerb extensive margin price level exchange rate policy tariff shocks monetary response current account price setting dynamic equilibrium dynamisches gleichgewicht comparative advantage endogenous persistence open economy long term offene volkswirtschaft internationaler wettbewerb international competition market entry exchange rate regime stabilization tariff shocks optimal staggered price price stickiness macroeconomic stabilization exchange rate staggered contracts price dispersion tariff policy trade dispute pricing strategy understanding international international economic conditional ppp euro area policy coordination trade literature komparativer vorteil currency devaluation exchange rate risk international financial market balassa samuelson effect tradability productivity competitive devaluations devaluations monetary dimensions comparative tradability long run price price puzzle international portfolio pricing market paper finds paper studies product differentiation g7 staaten nicht handelbare güter fear appreciation short term term debt international market segmentation portfolio management portfolio selection financial shocks new open short run trade firm ppp real union trade matter welfare contracts real margin trade
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Paul R. Bergin Alternative spellings: Paul Bergin P.R. Bergin Biblio: Ph.D. Yale University, 1996. Associate Professor of Economics at Univ. of Calif. at Davis ; Tätig am Brookings Inst., Washington, DC
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of California Davis. Department of Economics National Bureau of Economic Research
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (23) NBER Working Paper (22) NBER working paper series (8) Working papers series / Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (8) Working papers / Department of Economics (6) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (4) Working paper series / Department of Economics, University of California (2) CFM discussion paper series (2) EUI working paper (1) International review of economics & finance : IREF (1) Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper (1) Working papers / Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (1) World scientific studies in international economics (1) Review of world economics (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) Cambridge-INET working papers (1)