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Blanchflower, David G. Forth, John Forth, John Freeman, Richard B. Gómez, Rafael White, Michael Dale-Olsen, Harald Wilkinson, David Willman, Paul Stokes, Lucy Barth, Erling Teixeira, Paulino Addison, John T. Simmons, Robert Böckerman, Petri Pahnke, André Joshi, Heather Stokes, Lucy Lucifora, Claudio Zhou, Minghai Singleton, Carl Kretschmer, Tobias Cappellari, Lorenzo Wielgoszewska, Bożena Bellmann, Lutz Haile, Getinet Astatike Theodoropoulos, Nikolaos Papps, Kerry L. Ilmakunnas, Pekka Dolton, Peter J. Buraimo, Babatunde Green, Francis Schreyer, Dominik Clark, Andrew E. Erhel, Christine MacKerron, George Davis, James C. Chevalier, Arnaud Green, Colin P. Bryan, Mark L. Pahnke, Andre Frick, Bernd Farnell, Alex Ritchie, Felix Phan, Van Davies, Rhys Martelli, Irene All co-authors union wage data job using employee effects gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft worker employees non evidence gap affect who sector higher arbeitszufriedenheit time life countries positive wages lohnstruktur associated workplaces effect practices collective states employer role decline relations market firms negative linked changes private arbeitsbeziehungen british impact united individuals labour mental rates findings firm economic gewerkschaft public lower lohn where young great employers paper representation productivity satisfaction growth zufriedenheit cohorts model examine level measures personalmanagement germany country tarifverhandlungen arbeitsproduktivität significant large comparison differences use vergleich trade analysis labor points studies attainment establishments results human long born small new increased consistent study rate state based world little problems whether produktivität ethnic increase coach status social suggest financial workforce apparent months having birth
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Alex Bryson Dr.
Profession Politologe
Affiliations University College London Centre for Economic Performance National Institute of Economic and Social Research Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Policy Studies Institute
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (90) IZA Discussion Paper (62) Discussion papers / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (53) Discussion paper (52) NBER working paper series (28) NBER Working Paper (11) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (10) PSI research discussion paper / Policy Studies Institute (5) PSI research report (5) PSI research discussion papers (4) Manpower human resources lab papers (4) Advances in the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (2) CEP occasional papers / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (2) Nottingham University Business School Research Paper (2) GLO discussion paper (2) European journal of industrial relations (1) CESifo working papers (1) Employment relations research series (1) Research studies / Department for Education and Employment (1) IZA world of labor : evidence-based policy making (1) Hume occasional paper (1) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) Working papers / Lancaster University Management School (1) Studies of policy reform (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) NIESR Discussion Paper (1) US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper (1) Working papers / U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (1) ISER working paper series (1) Document de travail (1) BEIS research paper (1) , Vol. , pp. - (1) Research report / Department of Social Security (1)