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Sheth, Jagdish N. Shultz, Clifford J. Addis, Michela Hirschman, Elizabeth Caldwell Lehmann, Donald R. Gallarza, Martina G. Gil Saura, Irene O'Shaughnessy, John Bradshaw, Alan Havlena, William J. Schindler, Robert M. Kahn, Barbara E. Huber, Joel Zinkhan, George M. Kerrigan, Finola Woodward, Michael N. Wallace, W. T. Redondo, Ignacio Sánchez-Fernández, Raquel Iniesta-Bonillo, M. Ángeles Hollander, Steven Seigerman, Alan Bell, Stephen H. Batra, Rajeev Stern, Barbara B. Malter, Maayan S. Buck, Meera J. Kaplan, Leon B. Jacoby, Jacob Gould, Stephen J. Berthon, Pierre R. Hill, Ronald Paul Rotfeld, Herbert Jack Wilkie, William L. Gardner, Meryl P. Moore, William L. Del Chiappa, Giacomo Arteaga, Francisco Parker, Jeffrey R. Grayson, Mark W. All co-authors konsumentenverhalten consumer consumption research marktforschung value marketing role filmwirtschaft music musik behavior study art customer new essays reflections meanings experiences personal methods applications
Composed terms consumer behaviour consumer research market research film industry study consumption consumption experiences customer value consumption experience essays study subjective personal relationship marketing privater konsum private consumption marketing management product placement personal introspection qualitative methods research introspective introspective essays ambi diegetic product design brand management qualitative methode qualitative method reflections collections collections meanings meanings music music midcentury experiences customer consumer value morris holbrook esthetics tastes inspirational applications applications marketing macromarketing applications animal companions symbolic consumer consumption symbolism netvertising image meaning role music movies movies meanings meanings markets markets cinemajazzamatazz cinemusicaliterary analysis analysis american american dream dream represented represented biographical biographical jazz jazz comedepictions golden age age hollywood hollywood biopics biopics blow blow horatio horatio blow blow jakie jakie tommy tommy artie brando loyalty postmodern consumer product quality role ambi diegetic film film music music product new york small significant music industry movie theatre strategisches management
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Morris B. Holbrook Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Alternative spellings: Morris Baldwin Holbrook Morris Baldwin Holbrook B: 1943 Biblio: Tätig an der Graduate School of Business, Columbia Univ., New York, NY, USA
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Legends in consumer behavior (17) Routledge interpretive marketing research (2) Journal of business research : JBR (1) Foundations and trends in marketing : FTMKT (1)