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Gros, Daniel Casey, Jean-Pierre Levin, Mattias Valiante, Diego Sipiczki, Agnes Khachaturyan, Arman Gerhardt, Maria Wriglesworth, Michael Núñez Ferrer, Jorge Łazowski, Adam Hájková, Alzbeta Peers, Steve Brady, Hugo Behrens, Arno Beblavý, Miroslav Avery, Graham Emerson, Michael Blockmans, Steven Salem, Tanja VanTilborg, Stéphane Schoenmaker, Dirk Davis, Stephen Stadler, Valentina Stirböck, Claudia Parlour, Richard Heinäluoma, Eero Mata Muñoz, Almudena de la Jentzsch, Nicola Constâncio, Vítor Thomadakis, Apostolos Kalff, Donald J. Mortensen, Jørgen All co-authors financial european market crisis finanzmarkt markets regulatory new finanzkrise bankenaufsicht supervision policy finanzsektor regulation regulierung capital structure banking eurozone union commission response framework transatlantic trade integration credit securities bankenregulierung perspective deposit protection challenges rating mifid governance consumer emu kapitalmarktrecht plan services investment corporate ceps way single proposed brief finanzdienstleistung marktintegration post europe retail industry sector settlement need karel lannoo paper country measures impact europa ratingagentur aufsichtsbehörde finanzmarktregulierung finanzmarktaufsicht important proposal partnership paradigm pan ahead larosière supervising agenda central key supervisory reviews changes current role section
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Karel Lannoo Biblio: Masters Degree in European Studies, University of Nancy ; Graduate Degree in Modern History and International Relations, University of Leuven
Affiliations Centre for European Policy Studies Université Nancy 2 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Publishing years Series CEPS research report (11) CEPS policy briefs (8) Report of a CEPS task force (7) ECRI Policy Brief (2) ECRI policy briefs (2) CEPS policy brief (2) ECMI policy briefs (2) CEPS commentary (2) CEPS policy insights (1) ECMI short paper (1) Special paper series / London School of Economics and Political Science, Financial Markets Group (1) CEPS working documents (1) CEPS-ECMI task force report (1) ECRI commentaries (1) Task Force Working Group report (1) CEPS task force report (1) Centre for European Policy Working Paper (1) CEPS-ECRI Task Force report (1) Corporate governance (1)