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Del Giudice, Manlio Castellano, Sylvaine Pereira, Vijay Cooke, Fang Lee Ahmad, Syed Zamberi Gaur, Sanjaya Singh Anand, Amitabh El-Kassar, Abdul-Nasser Budhwar, Pawan Soral, Prakriti Ahmad, Syed Zamberi Jha, Raghbendra Ren, Shuang Cooper, Cary Raghav, Shalini Tarba, Shlomo Yedidia Fiano, Fabio Christofi, Michael Ferraris, Alberto Lythreatis, Sophie Pradhan, Rabindra Kumar Mellahi, Kamel Burgess, Thomas F. AlNuaimi, Bader K. Heap, John Sohal, Amrik S. Pati, Surya Prakash Degbey, William Y. Latan, Hengky Chiappetta Jabbour, Charbel José Mazzucchelli, Alice Larson, Mitch Leonidou, Erasmia Busso, Donatella Pereira, Vijay Stokes, Peter Kumar, Pradeep Kamboj, Shampy Graziano, Domenico Chierici, Roberto Gaur, Sanjaya S. Sohal, Amrik Singh Collings, David G. Latan, Hengky Del Giudice, Manlio Hussain, Matloub Singh, Sushil K. Balasubrahmanyam, S. Solidoro, Adriano Das, Dipak Vessal, Saeedeh Rezaee Farouk, Sherine Malik, Ashish Almatrooshi, Bashaer Irfan, Mohd Balasubramanian, Sreejith Ahmad, Syed Zamberi Chen, Jin Cerchione, Roberto Muhammad Waqas All co-authors india indien role innovation unternehmenserfolg organizational wissensmanagement führungsstil green transport work innovationsmanagement indian arbeitsverhalten analysis personalmanagement unternehmenskultur bus wissenstransfer perspective leadership road state productivity produktivität busverkehr emerging sme sustainability study urban cost kmu nachhaltigkeit employee practices growth data framework prices sample stus arbeitsleistung schwellenländer based dynamic empirical expatriates evidence smes corporate sector industry special issue capability context approach economies companies organisational undertakings period half ubcs inefficiency führungskräfte managers umweltmanagement engagement stakeholder small social uae editorial resource culture environmental profitability managing proposed factor paper arbeitszufriedenheit mitarbeiterbindung auslandsaufenthalt umweltbewusstsein unternehmensethik straßenverkehr stadtverkehr knowledge hiding perceived strategic enterprises increase moderating impact pressure capabilities sustainable management makes self initiated perform markets guest microfoundations firm digital business country uttar
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Sanjay K. Singh Dr. Alternative spellings: Sanjay Singh Sanjay Kumar Singh Sanjay Kumar Singh S. K. Singh Sanjay Kumar Singh Biblio: Assistant Prof. am Inst. of Management Technology, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad; India ; Indira Gandhi Inst. of Development Research, Bombay, India
Affiliations University of Dundee. School of Business National University of Ireland, Maynooth Abu Dhabi University. College of Business Administration
Publishing years Series Cross cultural & strategic management (1) Journal of management & governance (1) International journal of services technology and management (1) International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation management (1) International journal of human resources development and management : IJHRDM (1) Gender in management : an international journal (1) The international journal of productivity and performance management : IJPPM (1) International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (1) International journal of organizational analysis (1)