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Burke, Ronald J. Finkelstein, Sydney Tarba, Shlomo Yedidia Argyris, Chris Starbuck, William H. Liu, Yipeng Sparrow, Paul R. Argyris, Chris Antoniou, Alexander-Stamatios G. Cartwright, Susan Lu, Luo Worrall, Les Dewe, Philip Quick, James C. Nelson, Debra L. Biron, Caroline O'Driscoll, Michael P. Tomlinson, Edward C. Xing, Yijun Langan-Fox, Janice Gatrell, Caroline Robertson, Ivan T. Spector, Paul E. Ahammad, Mohammad F. Cartwright, Sue Sarala, Riikka M. Saridakis, George Sarala, Riikka M. Gatrell, Caroline J. Junni, Paulina Allen, Tammy D. McAuliffe, Robert E. Bevan, Stephen Stokes, Peter Bowles, David Theobald, Theo Vrontis, Demetris Glaister, Keith W. Tarafdar, Monideepa Sutherland, Valerie J. Gregory, Alan Robertson, Ivan T. Clubb, Colin Wall, Tony All co-authors work organizational organizations advances different human scholars stress new future Übernahme takeover personalmanagement volume myth issues resource acquisition questions arbeitspsychologie challenges managing perspective arbeitsbedingungen book working behavior management employee merger fusion world leading handbook theoretical arbeitszufriedenheit life occupational psychological impact practice introduction women field role approach who countries managers people cross cultural perspectives interventions post help führungskräfte understanding individual integration aufsatzsammlung practices strategic managerial studies blackwell focus easily development job process social resources turnover students cooper edge unternehmenskultur directions corporate organization key chapters cutting ideas review sector change quality vol cary characteristics broad academic published provide gesundheit unternehmen study health companion global critical inclusive chapter relying replicated narrower series range including page arbeitsverhalten success career positive journals mandates metrics führungsstil
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Cary Cooper Prof. Alternative spellings: Cary Cooper, Sir Cary L. Cooper, Sir Cary L. Cooper Cary Lynn Cooper C. L. Cooper B: 1940 Biblio: President of Relate, Clinical Advisor to Anxiety UK, President of the Institute of Welfare, President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2016-, and immediate past President of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ; Prof. of Organisational Psychology and Health, Lancaster University Management School ; Forschungsschwerpunkte: berufsbedingter Stress, Frauen bei der Arbeit, Industrie- und Organisationspsychologie; früher tätig an der Manchester School of Management, Univ. of Manchester, Inst. of Science and Technology (UMIST).Place of Activity: Manchester Source:
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Profession Psychologe Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Alliance Manchester Business School British Academy of Management Warwick Business School Lancaster University
Publishing years Series New horizons in management (28) Advances in mergers and acquisitions (17) Advances in mergers and acquisitions 1479-361X (8) Psychological and behavioral aspects of risk series (8) Current issues in work and organizational psychology (7) Sage library in business & management (5) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (5) New horizons in management series (4) Trends in organizational behavior (4) Cambridge companions to management (4) Psychological and behavioural aspects of risk (4) Elgar mini series (3) Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions Ser. (3) SpringerLink / Bücher (2) Topics in applied psychology (2) Foundations for organizational science (2) Routledge research in organizational behaviour and strategy (2) New horizonts in management (1) Wellbeing (1) Routledge studies in management, organizations, and society (1) The international library of critical writings on business and management (1) Elgar research reviews in business (1) Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions (1) Journal of organizational behavior : OB ; the international journal of industrial, occupational and organizational psychology and behavior (1) Oxford handbooks in business and management (1) New horizions in management (1) Cross cultural & strategic management (1) Journal of managerial psychology (1) Elgar original reference (1) The international library of critical writings in psychology (1) A Petrocelli Book (1) Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions Ser (1) The international journal of human resource management (1) Psychological and behavioural aspects of risk series (1) International marketing review (1) Elgar introductions to management and organization theory series (1) Elgar research agendas series (1) Human resource management review (1) State of the Art in Business Research (1) Routledge studies in management, organization, and society (1) State of the Art in Business Research Ser. (1) Psychological insights for understanding COVID-19 (1) Business myths (1) Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions (1) Reihe Coaching & Beratung / Resilienz (1) Elgar research agendas (1) Journal of organizational behavior : OB ; the internat. journal of industrial, occupational and organizational psychology and behavior (1) Elgar encyclopedias in business and management (1) Ebrary online (1) Routledge companions in business, management, and accounting (1) Group & organization management : an international journal (1) The Future of Work (1) Contributions in economics and economic history (1)