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76 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Mechanisms of metagovernance as structural challenges to levelling up in England
Newman, Jack; Collinson, Simon; Driffield, Nigel L.; Gilbert, G. Nigel; Hoole, Charlotte;2024
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link
2. Covid-19 disruption, resilience and industrial policy : the automotive sector in the West Midlands
Qamar, Amir; Collinson, Simon; Green, Anne E.;2023
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 3 (based on OpenCitations)
3. International business
abstract"International Business, 9th Edition, by Collinson, Narula, Qamar and Rugman combines data, evidence, case studies and latest examples to reflect the new realities of managing multinational businesses in a rapidly changing world. It connects key theories, methodological tools and analytical frameworks to map trends, make predictions and take on the role of decision makers in business and governments to enable them to lead organizations with real insight in a complex, global business environment"--
Collinson, Simon; Narula, Rajneesh; Qamar, Amir; Rugman, Alan M.;2024
4. Are there inequality spillovers? : evidence through a modified inequality measure and European dynamics of inequality
Sevinc, Deniz; Mata Flores, Edgar; Collinson, Simon;2020
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

5. International business, innovation and ambidexterity : a micro-foundational perspective
Liu, Yipeng; Collinson, Simon; Cooper, Cary; Baglieri, Daniela;2022
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 13 (based on OpenCitations)
6. Ensuring skills are available in the right locations : are we there yet? : a regional analysis of qualification gaps
Sevinc, Deniz; Green, Anne E.; Bryson, John R.; Collinson, Simon; Riley, Rebecca R.; Adderley, Simon;2020
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link Link
Citations: 3 (based on OpenCitations)
7. International business
abstract"We have continued to evolve the structure and content of this textbook in step with the rapidly changing world of international business. This includes completely revising several key chapters, including Chapter 6, on International Trade. This is entirely updated and includes new case studies covering both the trade-war between the US and China and the complex Brexit process. These and other real-world developments have made a wide range of stakeholders much more aware of the significance of global trade interdependencies than in the past. Chapter 16 on the European Union is also entirely updated to take account of Brexit and a range of new socio-political and economic events in Europe. Chapter 11 ('MNEs as Responsible Stakeholders') has been removed, making this edition more consolidated,with 20 rather than 21 chapters. In place of Chapter 11 we have inserted new sections, frameworks and case studies on responsible business throughout the book as a fundamental dimension of international businesstheory and practice across all the other chapters. New case studies, such as 'Businesses and NGOs working together on climate change' in Chapter 4, provideadditional material on this topic. Chapter 14, on 'Political risk and negotiation strategy' also features new case studies on the 'US-Venezuela oil dispute' and 'Huaweiaccused of spying'"--
Collinson, Simon; Narula, Rajneesh; Rugman, Alan M.;2020
Type: Lehrbuch; Textbook;
8. The making of an innovative multinational firm : Chinese capability development through the acquisition of MG-Rover
abstractThis paper examines the transfer, replication and adaption of knowledge, assets and capabilities in MG Rover from the British workforce to the new Chinese owners and employees at Nanjing Automotive Corporation (NAC). The study explores the intra-organisational processes adopted to integrate knowledge, innovation-related routines and networks. We identify distinctive mechanisms for both 'discrete' transfers and 'cumulative' flows of knowledge and capabilities, with different kinds of impact on the innovative capacity of the recipient firm. With the more recent take-over of NAC by SAIC the MG-NAC restructuring is examined as part of the broader evolution of a large, innovative and multinational Chinese car firm. The study also provides insights into the changing complementarities between Western and Chinese manufacturers and lessons for managers regarding effective alignment with evolving competitors.
Collinson, Simon;2013
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link Link

9. Lean versus agile production : flexibility trade-offs within the automotive supply chain
Qamar, Amir; Hall, Mark A.; Collinson, Simon;2018
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 33 (based on OpenCitations)
10. Selling digital services abroad : how do extrinsic attributes influence foreign consumers' purchase intentions?
Vendrell-Herrero, Ferran; Gomes, Emanuel; Collinson, Simon; Parry, Glenn; Bustinza, Oscar F.;2018
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 28 (based on OpenCitations)