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Wierenga, Berend Weinberg, Charles B. Miller, Steven J. Chatterjee, Rabikar Hui, Sam K. Robertson, Thomas S. Hegie, Quintus Ho, Jason Huisman, Dennis Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten Gatignon, Hubert A. Steinberg, Richard H. Ding, Min Ho, Jason Yiu-chung Rao, Vithala R. Zhang, Z. John Sawhney, Mohanbir S. Rymon, Talia Lodish, Leonard M. DeSarbo, Wayne Soete, Geert de Lilien, Gary L. Lans, Ralf van der George, Edward I. Swami, Sanjeev Knox, George Bruggen, Gerrit van Leenders, Mark A. A. M. Gopalakrishnan, Arun Dong, Songting Foutz, Natasha Zhang Aribarg, Anocha Packard, Grant Iyengar, Radha Peres, Renana Gelper, Sarah Jeuland, Abel P. All co-authors filmwirtschaft konsumentenverhalten approach kino movies demand industry new movie competitive market nachfrage marketingmanagement
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Jehoshua Eliashberg Prof. Alternative spellings: Jehoshua Eliasberg Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Marketing, Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Publishing years Series Working papers / Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania / Marketing (1) International journal of research in marketing : IJRM ; official journal of the European Marketing Academy (1) Econometric Institute research papers (1) ERIM report series research in management (1) Report / Marketing Science Institute (1)